The Pain point:
As we are aware of this critical issue, we know how hard its to train and maintain the required up to date skills in the new area of accelerated technology, therefore we are engaging with our entreprise customers to meet the demands by offering the following:
Training catalog:
Exhaustive training catalog for technical and soft skills in the areas below:
Technical Skills:
o Project Management o IT Governance and system management o Cloud computing, virtualization and Security. o Microsoft System center 2012 o CAD/SIG software. o Databases - SQL Server2010/2012 - Oracle 10g/11g o Messaging - Exchange 2013/2010/2007/2003 - Lotus - Lync Server o IT Networks - Networks and infrustcture for IT - Cisco products and ceritifications - UNIX/Linux - Windows 7/8 and Windows Server 2008/2012 - Vista - Sharepoint 2010/2012 o Web technologies - .NET 2.0/3.0 o 3GPP technologies trainings - GSM/GPR trainings - WCDMA training - LTE trainings - Transmission - Core network - IP networks - Network Management - VAS
Soft skills:
o Time/Priority Management o Team Management o Conflict Management o Sales technics o Communication technics.
To request a quote or programs, thank you to contact us on: